€777,00 EUR

Upgrade To The VIP Experience And Get 1:1 Access With Deep Dive Coaching Activation And Personalized Support

This is a transformational coaching activation like nothing you have ever experienced before!

It's time to unlock your true potential by getting rid of self-sabotage, old patterns, and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you.

There is no greater gift than to master your manifesting, confidence, and energy to feel grounded and truly thrive!


Together we will:

 Leave that self-sabotage and those pesky bad habits in the past, where they belong

⏩ Decode the limiting beliefs that keep you stuck

 ⏩ develop the tools for lasting happiness, and freedom from negativity forever, and unlock absolute mindfulness  

You deserve to reach your full potential and I am here to make that a reality!

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Unlock Your Manifesting Power to T.H.R.I.V.E.

It's time to unlock your true potential and break through old habits, patterns, and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you.

There is no greater gift than to master your mindset, focus, and energy to feel better in yourself and thrive.


Together we will:

Break free of old patterns and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. 

⏩ Get rid of those pesky bad habits slowing you down

⏩ Build your discipline, self-control, and emotional control

⏩ Fix your mindset and get rid of self-defeating thought patterns

⏩ Build your focus, attention span, and resilience (and finally be able to focus for more than 2 minutes at a time)

⏩ develop the tools for lasting happiness, and freedom from negativity forever, and unlock absolute mindfulness!


The program includes:

  • Unlimited coaching on Zoom

  • Between session support and accountability

  • Easy-to-follow online course and extra resources in the course portal

  • Instant lifetime access to all the current and future resources

  • Full access to guided meditation library

  • Full access to a 30-day journal for deliberate creation

  • The Deliberate Creator Affirmations Bundle

  • Our daily gratitude journaling practice to help you release negative emotions, cultivate more positive thoughts, and unlock your mindfulness.

  • The art of asking for what you want so that it can be received

  • Decoding the limiting beliefs that keep you stuck

  •  Understanding how to release negative thoughts on a daily basis so that you can be free from resentments, anger, and negative thought loops

  • Full-day immersion course on the neuroscience of stress [we could
    rename this as how to understand and master your brain to stay calm, focused, and achieve your goals!

  • Full-day immersion course on how to understand and master your brain to stay calm, focused, and achieve your goals!

  • Ebook on how to be more present in the here and now.

  • Full access to The 4 Supervillains That Are Stealing Your Focus course.

  • Ebook on how to reduce stress, increase your energy, and feel good now. 

There is no greater gift than to reach your full focus, energy, and potential. 

What People Are Saying:

I feel fantastic, I've got so much energy, I want to jump up, go out, and conquer the world!! I also feel much more confident now, and people are telling me I am really focused, but in a pleasant and powerful way. I have let go of a lot of things and learned to set my own boundaries, thank you!

Ann Jessen Nielsen, Zinzino Entrepreneur

I initially decided I wanted to invest in coaching to enhance my business success, but it has ended up benefiting me in all aspects of my life! Having someone who can bring your awareness to your limiting beliefs by noticing the words you use! Having someone to help you get clear on what is really important to you and then working together on a plan of action to make that a reality! Having someone shine a light on your positive aspects and what comes naturally to you, gives you more confidence! Someone who helps build your belief in yourself and in being able to achieve your goals with ease and flow, rather than struggle or trying to be someone that you’re not! And having someone who knows so much about how our brains work and has such simple yet profoundly effective ‘hacks’ to help improve your life, is totally priceless! I had no idea what to expect when I started my coaching with Tracy, however, every session has been an absolute joy and altogether a wonderfully beneficial experience that will continue for years to come! Thank you so much Tracy for being the amazing, caring, generous and life-transforming human that you are!

Julie Dee, Kangan Water

Since my coaching sessions with Tracy, my progress has been amazing. I thought I was a lost soul until I met this inspirational woman. In the sessions, we worked on mindfulness, deliberate creation, visualization, and beliefs. I have benefited so much from learning self-love, self-awareness, and the truth of who I really am. I've lost weight, have more energy, and at last love who I have become and being true to myself. And I have achieved my life long dream of becoming a published author!! With 5 books published to date! I have changed so much that I hope to help others too eventually. I would never have had the confidence to do that before. I can honestly say Tracy has helped me to open my eyes, mind, and heart. I owe her an immense debt of gratitude. I highly recommend this amazing and inspirational woman. She offers the greatest gift of help.

Lila-Ann Gray, bestselling children's author

I love working with Tracy, I can always feel that she is coaching from the heart. I have completely changed my beliefs about money, my self-worth, and what I can achieve and deserve. Everything is coming together!

R Gerdom, Divorce Lawyer & Divorce Coach

Thank you with all my heart for your patience, kindness, and understanding, and for helping me get clarity on what’s going on inside me. Thanks to you I feel so much clearer, so much more able to approach the situation. I feel lucky that I found you and to be on this incredible journey together. Thank you for enabling me to find my solutions, please know that I can’t thank you enough, you have helped me enormously and given me a whole new perspective. You are magical and brilliant, to receive your love and your support has really made me fly and I feel so much more inspired now thanks to your guidance. I'm really blown away by this incredible support, I cannot thank you enough.

Sara Sheldon, mum, digital entrepreneur, and writer.

The knowledge and skills she brings to the coaching session are impressive. She asked the questions that allowed me to examine in detail my purpose, my motivation, and my execution. Tracy was always supportive, and she would challenge me when she sensed I might be dodging an issue. It is this balance that allowed me to gain awareness and to move forward. Her gentle approach allowed me to be vulnerable in our sessions and be truly honest with myself. Without that trust she established I know I wouldn’t have been able to explore past the superficial. I heartily recommend Tracy as a coach. I know she can do for you what she did for me

Tim Hack, founder of Tim Hack Coaching

Tracy has been an amazing coach and has helped reduce my personal stress by helping me create and consolidate the right habits to increase my mental and physical stamina throughout the day. She has also reduced my business stress by helping me finalize some hard decisions. Tracy asked great questions to have me take action right now, kept me accountable to my weekly goals and overall plan of action, and helped me achieve some big breakthroughs. I am extremely happy with Tracy as a coach and as much more: she is also an encourager, a cheerleader, a counselor, an accountability partner, and a strategist.

G. Mason