Come back into balance, alignment, & vibrant energy to T.H.R.I.V.E. in your business & personal life






Lisa Hoffman

The Mastermind group has changed my life so much! The change in my overall mindset has been enormous!

I feel calm, confident, and happy, am having enormous revelations, and know life is only gonna get better from here on out! I am so grateful for the opportunity, what a game-changer the group is!

Thank you for your kind, loving encouragement, your whip-smart clear, direct answers, and your calm guidance along the way.

It's been so much fun and I'm looking forward to my future now! Thank you so much, with deep appreciation. 


Sara Sheldon

Mum, digital entrepreneur, and writer.

Tracy has an incredible ability to shine a light that navigates your way with you to show you your magic and how you can truly believe in yourself.

I love our Mindful Creator Mastermind sessions! I've learned to trust and believe in myself and my dreams in a way that I didn’t know was possible. I feel SO much better during and after the call every time and there are ALWAYS so many valuable lessons, take-aways, and aha moments. It's a wonderful group and Tracy leads us SO beautifully, it always feels magical. 

Tracy gives powerful support and guidance that I will forever want to say great big THANK YOUs…thank you Tracy with all my heart for being there for me on this incredible journey!


Julie Dee

Network marketing

"I have received so much from my coaching sessions with Tracy . . . truly more than I could ever have imagined! I initially decided I wanted to invest in coaching to enhance my business success, but it has ended up benefiting me in all aspects of my life!

Having someone who can bring your awareness to your limiting beliefs by noticing the words you use! Having someone to help you get clear on what is really important to you and then working together on a plan of action to make that a reality! Having someone shine a light on your positive aspects and what comes naturally to you, gives you more confidence!

Someone who helps build your belief in yourself and in being able to achieve your goals with ease and flow, rather than struggle or trying to be someone that you’re not! And having someone who knows so much about how our brains work and has such simple yet profoundly effective ‘hacks’ to help improve your life, is totally priceless!

I had no idea what to expect when I started my coaching with Tracy, however, every session has been an absolute joy and altogether a wonderfully beneficial experience that will continue for years to come! Thank you so much Tracy for being the amazing, caring, generous and life-transforming human that you are! 


Gary M.
Founder and CEO of Nirvana Hair Boutique

"Tracy has been an amazing coach and has helped reduce my personal stress by helping me create and consolidate the right habits to increase my mental and physical stamina throughout the day. She has also reduced my business stress by helping me finalize some hard decisions. Tracy asked great questions to have me take action right now, kept me accountable to my weekly goals and overall plan of action, and helped me achieve some big breakthroughs. I am extremely happy with Tracy as a coach and as much more: she is also an encourager, a cheerleader, a counselor, an accountability partner and a strategist."

Valeria Zavadnikova
Owner and Manager of Fattoria Montemaggio

"I was looking for someone who could give me guidance and support and I finally found that special person ! Tracy works with habits and rewiring our brains and Just after few sessions I was able to change some things in myself that made my relationship with my daughter so much less difficult and I’m forever grateful! Tracy works with neuroscience, deliberate creation and meditation and her method is very concise and easy to follows. I have taken up meditation again, I feel more confident and feel Tracy is much more than a coach. She always has your back and I always look forward to the weekly coaching sessions, as they set me up for the week and give me a lot of clarity and motivation !!"

Kip Mussatt.

Owner/Artist at Kipsworld

"Tracy helped me pull out of the depressed slump I had been in for a few years about some of my life goals and decisions, and she got me back in the game. The sessions were very uplifting and we also worked out a personalized action plan of weekly goals.

We focused on how to raise my energy and vibration, something I was able to use in almost all aspects of my life. Some of my friends asked me what I was doing differently in my life because they noticed such a positive shift in my approach to situations and my energy. 

I feel so much better, both mentally and physically now. There were times when my brain chemistry was all askew and we worked at adjusting it from an emotional/conscious point of view as well as what foods I should be eating to help out the chemicals in my brain.

I had been eating way too many crunchy sugary snacks to relieve stress and Tracy helped me realize what this was doing to my brain and we found much better healthier alternatives.

If I was struggling with something during the week she was always there to help via email or text.

My life is once again headed in the right direction thanks to Tracy."

Regina Gerdom

Divorce lawyer & divorce coach

"I love working with Tracy. She's a very compassionate and empathic coach, and I can always feel that she is coaching from the heart and that she really feels for me as a client. So, that really helps me a lot, and also being able to reach out when I'm not feeling good and having a bad day. I have completely changed my beliefs about money, my self-worth, and what I can achieve and deserve. Everything is coming together now!"

Nicole Lynn Ludwig

Beyond The Books Tutoring 

Tracy and her THRIVE program really set me up for success with so much this year!

I have had a full year of prioritizing, working on, and taking chances on myself, and I could not be happier with what I have accomplished! Tracy has helped me see my life and future in a new light, and gain a whole new perspective! 

Tim H.
Owner of Tim Hack Coaching

"The knowledge and skills she brings to the coaching session is impressive. She asked the questions that allowed me to examine in detail my purpose, my motivation, and my execution. Tracy was always supportive, and she would challenge me when she sensed I might be dodging an issue. It is this balance that allowed me to gain awareness and to move forward. Her gentle approach allowed me to be vulnerable in our sessions and be truly honest with myself. Without that trust she established I know I wouldn’t have been able to explore past the superficial. I heartily recommend Tracy as a coach. I know she can do for you what she did for me"

Gianluca Spinozza
Sales Manager, Anna Monti di Meda

"Last spring was a period full of fears, worries and personal problems, and it was in the middle of this that I decided to take Tracy’s program. I had no idea how useful it would be, especially with what I was going through. With Tracy’s guidance I was able to acquire the tools and skills that helped me to manage negative emotions in a completely new way. Through mindfulness and living in vibrational alignment with my desires, today I am certainly more aware of the resources I have inside of me, thanks to which I can make the most of the opportunities that present themselves."

Lorenza Scossa Lodovica
Contract Manager, Rubelli Plc

""I was coming from a very stressful time, where I felt more like a robot than a person. The chores of daily life, long hours of work, and family needs made me feel like I was inside a washing machine. I was spinning out of control. Tracy, with her generosity and empathy, her cheerfulness and positivity, managed to completely change my approach to life. With her beautiful approach and techniques based on neuroscience, coming into the "here and now", and deliberate creation, she gave me the opportunity to fully experience the power of the present moment and start creating the future I want, with the right energy. At certain moments in life you come into contact with special people who manage to get you back on track, energizing you and opening you up to new and wonderful possibilities. Tracy is one of those."


Wicki Nielson

Conservationist for sustainable living

" I was recommended Tracy as a great coach for helping me with my mindfulness practice and routine. Along our 6-month journey working together, Tracy did much more for me than introduce me to new mindfulness methods. From day 1, it was clear to me that this lady lives and breathes for helping other people and will do anything in her remit to do so. I was reminded of the importance of me-space and me-time, and as a consequence have re-kindled my love for singing that had been buried at the bottom of my priority list. My favorite takeaway from sessions with Tracy: when getting overwhelmed by all the things you “need” to do, stop, breathe, and think about what you can do right now. Then after that do another, and then another. Bit by bit, things become a lot more manageable.

Lila Ann Gray
Children's author and intuitive coach

"Since my sessions with Tracy my progress has been amazing. I thought I was a lost soul until I met this inspirational woman. In the sessions we worked on mindfulness, deliberate creation, visualisation and beliefs. I have benefited so much from learning self love, self awareness and the truth of who I really am. I've lost weight, have more energy and at last love who I have become and being true to myself. I have changed so much that I hope to help others too eventually. I would never have had the confidence to do that before. I can honestly say Tracy has helped me to open my eyes, mind and heart. I owe her an immense debt of gratitude. I highly recommend this amazing and inspirational woman. She offers the greatest gift of help."

Matthew Cipriani
Machine Learning Engineer, FocalPoint

"I have always struggled to make decisions and especially if you are a person who tends to overthink, it becomes even harder. I decided to contact and work with a professional coach like Tracy because she adopts a rigorous coaching method based on new neuroscientific research; at the same time, she manages to put it into practice in a creative, mindful and intuitive way. She helped me a lot by providing many practical and useful tools to support my life planning and decision-making. And she helped me to stay focused on what really matters and manage my thoughts and emotions better."

Mary Beth Cadwell
Graphic Designer and artist

"Tracy’s program, coaching, and mediations have really helped me to replace negative voices in my mind with gratitude and peace. Feeling more grounded and grateful for my life right now helps me visualize and manifest what I want for my future. I highly recommend working with Tracy."


Barnabas Valyogos 

Accountant at Blue Ocean Money Management Ltd

I feel fantastic! I'm very grateful for everything you did for me, You helped me a lot! I do the meditation every evening and morning, and I think I've really started getting my subconscious to work with me. I always believed in the power of our mind, but now start I'm feeling it. I'm also attracting people with similar attitudes and thoughts. It's unbelievable! My vibration! Thank you very much, Tracy.


Steven Mocellin
Founder and CEO of Social Vision Plc

"Tracy is a tireless Coach. Very professional, and able to put you at ease, to bring out the best in you. She is attentive, scrupulous, and sensitive. with a highly effective method, which allowed me to achieve amazing results. It shook me up and helped me on a difficult path to manage my stress in a far more effective way. Her openness and dedication to others are values that I have found in very few people."


Ann Jessen Nielson

Entrepreneur at Zinzino

I feel fantastic, energized and so much more confident now. I'm loving it! And people are telling me I am so focused, in such a pleasant and powerful way. Thank you Tracy

Jenifer Simbeni
I am so grateful for you Tracy, you definitely came into my life for a reason and I really appreciate you. I’m feeling so much better now!
Working with Tracy is amazing. She is so positive, inspiring, and uplifting, and she really helped me work on what I wanted to work on. She’s such a sweetheart, her laugh and smile is contagious.
I was blessed to be able to work with her as my coach and I am beyond grateful. She really gives you great coaching and tools to get where you want to be. I can’t recommend Tracy enough. Thank you again, you’re the best! 

Your Abraham Hicks Universe-approved Coach 

I'm Tracy, the founder of Grounded Living, an Abraham Hicks Universe Approved Coach, and a Certified Professional Coach & Mindfulness Teacher.

My life's mission is to guide you to discover your inherent wholeness so that you can access greater levels of expansion, prosperity, and happiness.

As the heart and soul behind Grounded Living, I'm on a mission to help you raise your vibration, and feel grounded in the present moment, and empowered.

I help you break free of self-doubt, overwhelm, old patterns, and limiting beliefs and walk hand in hand with you on a powerful transformation journey so that you can create the life you want.

It brings me immense joy to share the tools and Abraham Hicks's wisdom that unlocks your inner peace, boundless potential, and ultimate freedom.


Let's Connect


In this FREE call, you will:

  • Get clear on what is lowering your vibration and getting in the way of your thriving 
  • Gain powerful and actionable insights 
  • Start leveraging your power to create the life you want

Pick a suitable date and time below for your free connection call.